'The Cliffs of Moher are one of Ireland's top Visitor attractions. The Cliffs are 214m high at the highest point and range for 8 kilometres over the Atlantic Ocean on the western seaboard of County Clare. O'Brien's Tower stands proudly on a headland of the majestic Cliffs. From the Cliffs one can see the Aran Islands, Galway Bay, as well as The Twelve Pins, the Maum Turk Mountains in Connemara and Loop Head to the South.

The Cliffs of Moher are home to one of the major colonies of cliff nesting seabirds in Ireland. The area was designated as a Refuge for Fauna in 1988 and as a Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA) under the EU Birds Directive in 1989. Included within the designated site are the cliffs, the cliff-top maritime grassland and heath, and a 200 metre zone of open water, directly in front of the cliffs to protect part of the birds' feeding area. The designation covers 200 hectares and highlights the area's importance for wildlife.'

Ni adalah sedikit sebanyak overview psl cliff of moher. tanggal 16hb november, kitorang telah menjejakkan kaki kt sana. Perasaan??Best gile!!! View mmg lawa abis. Kagum sejenak dgn ciptaan Allah yg maha agung. Subhanallah. Kalo boleh, rse mcm nk lepak je tepi cliff tu smpai malam. Boleh tgk sunset skali. Tp sayangnya, ms mencemburui kami, so xtercapai la hajat tu. Ni ad sdikit sbyk gmbar masa kt Cliff tu.


dont try this at home

from left: haleem,amir,irfan,thariq,isman,anas

haleem yg selamberk ngah mlepak ditepi cliff...

with all trip members

hijau mata memandang~

Terima kasih kepada senior2 yg telah bersusah payah anjur trip ini. Tp sayangnye xsmpat pegi Galway. takpe, kalo ad rezki smpai jgk kami ke sana nnti. wallahua'lam.



November 23, 2008 at 10:41 AM

comel gmbr?camera gpo set mu gune anas?


November 23, 2008 at 1:27 PM

kamera ak la, jgk paka kamera snior..klu gmbr ramai2 tu paka kamera dia la..SLR sony cyber shot..model brpo ntah..xigt doh..